Laura's moving. She's moving her brant to a new place because the place where her old brant was mysteriously stopped allowing her to post photos. She tried everything -- and she means everything -- to figure out how to make it work -- Laura, just for the record, isn't someone who just leaves when the going gets rough -- but no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she tried to grasp the techno-speak of her previous blog-company, she failed. After months of not being able to post photos, she stopped branting altogether because it just wasn't fun anymore. And that's when she knew she had to take matters into her own hands and relocate to a place that would be more hospitable to her photo-posting needs.
And so here she is. At blogspot. Where lots of people have their blogs. Laura's hoping this new home for her brant will make her want to brant again -- and more regularly -- because it seems altogether easier. We'll see. Because while Laura likes to blame everything -- her boiler, her clogs, her bout with lice, her blog-hoster -- we all know that the main reason Laura doesn't brant for months at a time is because she's just plain lazy.
Here's hoping the move gives her a big jolt of energy and a renewed sense of branting-purpose.
Welcome to blogspot!
You are *too* funny. Welcome to Blogspot! It is super-easy, one word of advice though: If you're posting on a Mac, use Firefox instead of Safari.
And yes, I'm writing this two hours post surgery, because while Stephanie is just plain lazy too, she's also too high-strung to sit here and 'relax' with mom!
I'm glad you're back. I've missed your branting!
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